Note about changes to availability of Fun Run & Fun Run 2

Going forward Fun Run and Fun Run 2 will be made unavailable in the app stores.

For some time now, we have been working solely on the latest game - Fun Run 3: Arena, which we believe offers the best gameplay and overall experience in the Fun Run series. Our focus is on making the game even better with new content and features, while also continuing to grow and support the Fun Run community.  With this in mind, we want new players to choose FR3 as their Fun Run game. From a business perspective, it also makes sense for the games to not compete with each other for new players and ranking in the app stores.

Fun Run and Fun Run 2 players can continue playing the games and we will provide ways of downloading these games for anyone who wants to play them. Android users can download the games using this link: For iOS users, the games will be available in the Norwegian app store.

This also marks the official end of updates to Fun Run and Fun Run 2